Urban Lifestyles

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Simple, Easy to Know, friendly going places and wierd totally

Monday, April 02, 2007

Untill the end

Check this out people
who can write more than I do
words streaming out of my mind
like rain water that will not stop
like flows into the sea
until the end of me
the rope is lon more than I

But who can tell it more in paper
more ant the picture
I want the real thing
Maybe you can try
no one more than I do

dont ask
because I will not tell

See this Image

Its belonging
All you have to see is look further
into the images

Just Me

One thing I have learnt in the last few years of my life,
Theres nothing good like being who I am and who I am supposed to be
Its a hard task but can one dent that being someone else is better
Its all what you are inside and no matter what may come your way
you will always be you

Maybe I should consider something new
change the old me and create a new look
of what i can be and will be in future
upgrade my life to avoid making adjustments in time

it needs more than space and time
it needs energy and life
fullness and selflessness can do it
I know I will, I can and Look out
you will see what I have become