Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Simple, Easy to Know, friendly going places and wierd totally

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Guide to Sharing the Goodness

People are curious. Even people who are not named George. Often, these curious people ask us how they can help in the making of Beyond. We are happy to share the goodness, for yea and verily, we meet many wonderful and creative folk through conversation, page, paint, and musical notes.
Here are some of the best ways you can share in the goodness:

Donate – help feed an artist or writer. At Beyond, we consider ourselves part of a community of very creative folks – some are established and some are scraping together 39 cents for their next meal of noodles and simulated cheese. One of our goals is to be able to pay our artistic contributors a fair and living wage for their work. Imagine joining with us to release cultural creatives of all types to do their best work, and then make your imagination reality! Support emerging artists and writers.
Volunteer – you may live near us or in a land far, far away. It doesn’t matter. We have all sorts of ways you can become involved from your corner of the planet. Send us an email with the words, “Yes! I am excited by the opportunities presented to me by the possibility of becoming a Beyond volunteer from where I live!” in the subject. Or you could just put “Beyond volunteer.” Sometimes shorter is better.
Visit the web – take a look at our history, see who is an active part of Beyond, read, participate in our blog, sign up for regular updates, and just generally poke around to see what’s going on in our world. Remember to wave hello.

Contribute – if you are a writer or a visual artist, let us take a look at your work while you take a look at our submission guidelines on the Beyond website. We’re always happy to meet folks who want to be part of Beyond. As you can see, we publish essays, poetry, interviews, short stories, and excerpts from larger works. We also publish photography, illustrations, paintings, drawings, sketchbook pages, and art projects.
Other bits of fun – You may want to run through the streets screaming “Beyond! Beyond!” You may want to ask your local bookstore, “Hey, why don’t you carry Beyond magazine?” You may want to just send us a real, live letter so we can know there are other little feet tapping and hearts pumping out there.
In short, Taste the Goodness.


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